Este blog, no âmbito da disciplina de Área de Projecto, visa dar a conhecer o trabalho desenvolvido sobre o cancro da mama, ao longo do ano lectivo 2007/2008 pelo grupo E do 12º ano turma CT1 da Escola Secundária Martins Sarmento, em Guimarães.
Este video visa sensibilizadar as pessoas para a prática da prevenção do cancro da mama, mostrando estatísticas e imagens sobre o tema, bem como, técnicas de prevenção.
De Tom Mac Taylor a 25 de Fevereiro de 2008 às 14:42
It´s an amazing video!
I don't understand portuguese but, I understant that this blog talk about breast cancer. My mom dead with breast cancer in 1998 and last she die she always said:
Cancer is so limited-
It cannot cripple love It cannot shatter hope It cannot corrode faith It cannot destroy peace It cannot kill friendships It cannot suppress memories It cannot silence courage It cannot invade the soul It cannot steal eternal life It cannot conquer the spirit .
And she was right, same after she died I remenber her like a courage woman. And I miss her.
About this blog, It's very attractive and it have nice songs. Congratulations! Good job!